This is a space where I will share what I know about creativity & design and let you know what’s happening in my business!

Finalist - John Villiers Outback Art Prize 2024
Absolutely thrilled to be a finalist in the 2024 John Villiers Outback Art Prize.

Finding flow state
Flow state from the artist’s perspective. Why it matters and how I encourage my mind to enter this beautiful place.

Wisdom from Grandad
We will either grow wings or deploy the parachute, but both options are better than letting fear cage us.

Everything you need to start watercolour painting
Everything you need to start painting with watercolours today.

Do. Or do not. There is no try.
If you want to succeed at something - follow Yoda’s advice.

Sunday Paintings
See being an artist is difficult. Not just the painting - in fact to me that’s the enjoyable part, but the sharing. The showing up and opening the doors to feedback, positive or negative, requires a bravery like no other. Actually I think it requires something a little different to bravery. It’s like a loving arrogance.

Learning surface pattern design
Studying the history of pattern design with Bärbel Dressler

The greatest thing you can do to kickstart your creative career
Overcoming this one thing will open up all the doors.

Exploring Pictorial Space
Let’s explore this painting. Why have I distorted the table? Let me tell you …

FabrianoInAcquerello 2023
My work is off to Italy! This painting ‘From A Story We Know’ is heading to FabrianoInAcquerello in April for an International Watercolour Exhibition!